GP i England(fastlege) og løper

I encountered healthFix by chance on Facebook and after emailing Alex decided to enroll in the program. The app provides the user with easy to understand information on Achilles Tendinopathy: the causes and treatment. This is delivered in daily video clips narrated by Alex and underlies the unique nature of the tendinitis program. Having tried the standard eccentric exercises my Achilles remained unfixed. What I needed was a new approach based on the science combined with the motivation provided by the app and weekly video calls with Alex. The key change is that the app sets you up with daily workouts both for improving running strength training and specific tendon work. So often runners fail to get back to pain free exercise due to low motivation and a lack of guidance. This app provides both with a personal touch from Alex!

Malvin Smith er fastlege og løper i England. Han fikk hjelp med HelseFix sitt akilles program.